New York State Cash Alliance Launches!

The New York State Cash Alliance is proud to publicly announce its launch. Made up of a diverse coalition of advocates, community organizers, cash beneficiaries, direct-service providers, policymakers, researchers, and artists, the New York State Cash Alliance is actively organizing for a guaranteed income and unrestricted cash policies in New York State. The Cash Alliance has been formed in response to economic problems facing New Yorkers: the rising cost of housing, inflation, wage stagnation and the increasing demand for working multiple jobs. Guaranteed income is an evidence-based solution for rebalancing the economy for everyone, but especially those who need it most urgently. 

Guaranteed income pilots continue to proliferate across the United States (with 130 pilots and counting), with a growing number in New York State, from Rochester to Hudson to NYC. The work of these pilots confirms the power of cash to transform lives in an economy that’s simply not working for most people the way it should

This Alliance is formed to sustain the growing energy around guaranteed income, with the ultimate goal of getting a publicly-funded guaranteed income in the state of New York. In addition, the NYS Cash Alliance supports existing guaranteed income programs in New York and cash-related policies including tax credits, progressive taxation, baby bonds, and more. 

The NYS Cash Alliance will be engaging in advocacy campaigns, legislative endorsements, organizing, community building, and education for guaranteed income and cash policies.  The Alliance is a part of a broader, bold national movement for a guaranteed income. Cash coalitions are already organizing for a guaranteed income in Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, and Washington DC.

"Win is thrilled to be part of the NYS Cash Alliance, following the successful launch of our Growing Strong program. Growing Strong is a direct cash transfer and peer support pilot for parents of infants and toddlers in our shelters. For families in economic crisis, guaranteed income is a vital support that honors their agency and expertise in their needs. With proposals in front of the legislature such as expanded tax credits for families and the MILC bill, we are excited to work together to turn the lessons from other guaranteed income pilots across the state into meaningful policy that will benefit not only our clients, but all people in New York," said Christine Quinn, President and CEO of Win.

"The NYS Cash Alliance is organizing around unconditional cash support for New Yorkers at a critical moment and the Children's Defense Fund-New York is proud to be part of the collective action.  Our YouthNPower: Transforming Care direct cash transfer pilot for young people who were formerly in foster care has brought together a team of gifted leaders, creators, teachers, researchers, organizers, and policy advocates who care about our community of young people who have experienced the child welfare system to elevate policies like cash.  We are excited to help build the movement with allies to create permanent policies for this kind of support," said Julia L. Davis, Director of Youth Justice and Child Welfare at the Children's Defense Fund-New York.

“The need for coordination and community is strong, making the NYS Cash Alliance a powerful entity to seed real change. New York State is home to millions facing economic precarity and holds tremendous power to be a leader for national policy. Our program is evidence that guaranteed income works,” said Maura Cuffie-Peterson, Director of Strategic Initiatives for Guaranteed Income at Creatives Rebuild New York.

A guaranteed income means freedom, it means a better future, it means care. It gives opportunity and the chance to change one’s circumstances – foundational aspects of living in this country. We are proud of the organizing efforts of this Alliance and its members thus far and we invite you to join the Alliance and champion a guaranteed income in New York State!


NYS Cash Alliance Panel Discussion